Communities We Serve
As a minority-owned and operated business, we have committed to supporting marginalized communities and organizations that drive social change to directly impact children’s lives
As a minority-owned and operated business, we have committed to supporting marginalized communities and organizations that drive social change to directly impact children’s lives
our annual impact
$100,000k donated to support creating equitable opportunities for disadvantaged youth
Heart of Los AngelesYearlong mentoring services provided for 500 children
For The ChildrenCommitted to provide a full year of therapy and case management to a vulnerable family with a young child aged 0-5.
Westside Infant - family NetworkSupported 1162 families with
hospitalized children in LA
our annual impact
$100,000k donated to support creating equitable opportunities for disadvantaged youth
Heart of Los AngelesYearlong mentoring services provided for 500 children
For The ChildrenCommitted to provide a full year of therapy and case management to a vulnerable family with a young child aged 0-5.
Westside Infant - family NetworkSupported 1162 families with
hospitalized children in LA
communities we love
Creating equitable opportunities for disadvantaged youth
Heart Of Los Angeles (HOLA)
Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA) gives underserved kids an equal chance to succeed through a comprehensive array of after-school academic, arts, athletics, and wellness programs. Our success is founded on safe environments, nurtured by a no-wrong-door approach, amplified by world-renowned partners, and perpetuated by students who become productive, caring, and responsible citizens.
bringing and keeping families together
For The Children
For The Children mobilizes the local Church to create life-changing moments for children who have experienced relational trauma. The main vision is For every child to experience unconditional love, hope and safety.
bringing and keeping families together
Westside Infant - Family Network ( WIN ) provides free, in-home mental health therapy and basic supports including food, housing, and diapers, to low-income families with young children. Our award-winning care helps families heal together while building stable, nurturing homes, free from the impacts of PTSD, depression, family violence, and other symptoms of trauma that can have lifelong impacts.
bringing and keeping families together
Children’s Hospital LA
About Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Founded in 1901, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles is the largest provider of care for children in Los Angeles County. Families travel from all 50 states and more than 90 countries so that their children can receive the very best care. The hospital’s clinical teams treat patients ranging in age from newborn infants to young adults for everything from well-child visits to organ transplantation.